Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Weird Things Our Bodies Do in the Cold - Strange - dhabworld

Do you ever wonder why you get goosebumps or your nipples harden when it is cold out? Here’s what human bodies do in cold temperatures, and why.

Goosebumps: Explained

Goosebumps: Explained
Got goosebumps? You’re probably cold. This brief article explains the pilomotor reflex, or piloerection, which is what’s behind goosebumps and several other physiological reactions to the cold.

A Tit Bit Nipply: Why Nipples Harden in the Cold
A Tit Bit Nipply: Why Nipples Harden in the ColdIn cold weather, men and women can both get hard nipples that press out to announce themselves. Ladies, you know it can be embarrassing if this happens when you’re wearing a swimsuit without padding or if you’re wearing a tight shirt without a bra. Men can get nipply, too, so read on to understand what’s underneath this human response to the cold. 

What Causes Cold-Weather Scrotum Shrinkage in Men
What Causes Cold-Weather Scrotum Shrinkage in MenYikes! You walked outside into the cold, and your man parts just shrank. Here’s why: The male scrotum will shrink in the cold and become longer in hot seasons. Read here to understand how these physiological responses help maintain optimal body temperature for sperm production. 

Testicle Disappearance Alert
Testicle Disappearance AlertTesticle disappearance is technically called a “retractile testicle.” Sometimes one or both of a male’s testicles will retract from the scrotum and into the groin area, for a variety of reasons. Cold weather is one of the things that prompts this reaction, so read on to discover why it happens and what it means. 

Women Really Do Get Colder Than Men
Women Really Do Get Colder Than MenMany studies have shown that women do get colder than men, and this article from Slate.com looks at the reasons why. This article explains how the female response to the cold relates to a woman’s ability to bear children and says that “shivering all the time is simply part of the package deal you get when your body has a uterus to take care of.” 

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